Before and after 2010, we invested and established the Shenzhen Felix Industry Company and Guangzhou Senrong Handbag Factory Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Concepts2points are our registered trade-marks. In response to the international situation and the needs of customers from Europe, America, and other countries, around 2021, we introduced new equipment in Vietnam and established the Senda Vietnam Co., LTD and Vietnam Ha Nam King Yip Industry Co., Ltd.
We are a professional exporter of Children's Wooden Toys headquartered in Ningbo,China. As no one factory can produce a full range of wooden toys due to the varying manufacturing processes for the different types of toys, we use a small and tightly controlled group of partner factories all located in Zhejiang province.We work closely with these partners to create new products and designs to be able to offer the widest range of products at the most competitive prices.
每个项目都有其独特的风格和卖点。我们致力于用镜头语言来诠释食品餐饮项目内在价值。表现美感只是一方面,更需要懂得企业所需,所有的努力都是为了帮助营销行为注入强大动力。 俗话说:一图解千言。如何吸引消费者进行购买行为,好的图片是第一步也是十分重要的一步。我们提供高画质的摄影服务,3000万像素的图片分辨率足以应对高精印刷、海报、灯箱、平面广告及宣传册。 我们认为摄影是一项事业,而非职业。我们绝不允许自身对事业的马虎,而是带着洞察力,热情以及带着远超越专业技能之上的执着与兴趣,求尽善尽美,不断超越自己,并抱着这样的态度将每一次拍摄,进行到底!
World of pet is a subsidiary division of Homeware (China), who is an experienced exporter of pet supplies that can meet your price and quality requirements. We have built up long standing relationships with a network of Chinese manufacturers and we are committed to our abilities to offer you the right product at the right price. World of pet is a subsidiary division of Homeware (China), who is an experienced exporter of pet supplies that can meet your price and quality requirements. We have built up long standing relationships with a network of Chinese manufacturers and we are committed to our abilities to offer you the right product at the right pri
广州市锦森苗木有限公司是广州目前室内外植物、绿 化、保 养、施 工(包括室内盆景、鲜花租赁、室外绿化保养)最具专业特色室内植物租赁管理公司之一,专业化的服务为用花单位以低廉的价格享受优质的服务。优质的绿化植物,通过摆放、养护、调换等过程,来保证客户所用的花卉植物枝繁叶茂,生长茂盛、匀称美观。本公司有专业人员为宾馆、酒店、写字楼、商场、企事业单位等设计租摆方案。致力为客户创造优雅、茵绿、美观、舒适的环境.
广州市广深花卉园林有限公司是广州目前室内外植物、绿 化、保 养、施 工(包括室内盆景、鲜花租赁、室外绿化保养)专业特色室内植物租赁管理公司之一,专业化的服务为用花单位以低廉的价格享受优质的服务。
广州海鼎物业管理有限公司拥有一批年轻的业务骨干和专 业的员工队伍,是一家从事物业管理服务,家政服务、保洁服务, 建筑物清洁服务,建筑物电力系统安装,建筑物自来水安装服务, 建筑物排水系统、空调设备、通风设备系统等安装服务,园林绿 化工程服务、园林绿化管理服务,景观、绿地工程设施施工,建 筑工程后期装修、装饰、清理等服务的公司。
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